Fave 5 on 5 | January 2015

It’s been kind of a whirlwind start to 2015, but excellent in so many ways. This was the beginning of a major change in my employment. I had had a full-time job outside of our home for the past six and a half years, but at the beginning of January, I began staying home with our son and pouring more of my energies and resources into photography (alongside a small, part-time, do-it-from-home job). It’s been an adjustment, but we are so lucky to be able to make this change happen.

One effect of the change is that I’ve had more daylight hours to do some shooting! The winters around these parts can be so long and so dark, so it’s been just eye-opening to have the chance to use natural light during my winter shooting.

So, without further ado, here are my favorite five (technically six…) from the month of January! Don’t forget to make your way around our cozy little blog circle to see these ladies’ favorites from their starts to 2015 across the country. Start off with the wonderfully talented AUDREY AT TODAY JUST BE.



