Letters to our child | March 2015

It’s another installment of what will hopefully be many monthly letters written to my son. It’s a part of an attempt to capture these glimpses into the everyday and the not so ordinary moments that pass by so quickly as children grow.

My Fast, Smart and Giggling Boy,

You’ve been completely blowing me away lately with how much you’re able to put together and by how much you are completely you. That little brain of yours has got to be in overdrive. In the past month, you managed to put together the evening teeth brushing routine – you open the cabinet, grab your tooth brush, do some brushing (with a bit of help), rinse the brush, tap it on the edge of the sink (one of those things I just do and didn’t realize you were picking up – there are so many of those!), put the tooth brush back in the cabinet and, highlight, close the cabinet leaving a big old smeary handprint on the mirror. It’s a lot of steps for your little brain to remember!

You now have five teeth. The top two front ones are the most recent addition and they were a bear coming in. But, we made it through – they’re pretty gapped right now, and it’s so adorable.

In just the last week or so you’ve been practicing standing unassisted and every day you’re more and more steady. Dad and I are buckling in. You’re already a pretty fast crawler, add walking to that? We are in for it! It’ll be just about the right time too – all of the snow is melted and we’ll be able to be outside more and more as our little backyard world greens up.

Today you learned how to clap.

I am so amazed by you.

Love always and always,


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