Letters to our child | February 2015

It’s another installment of what will hopefully be many monthly letters written to my son. It’s a part of an attempt to capture these glimpses into the everyday and the not so ordinary moments that pass by so quickly as children grow.

Dear energetic, active, laughing boy,

Oh, you’re getting fast now, kiddo. It’s been so fun to be home with you during the days. I’ve thought many times recently that it’d be hilarious to have an arial view of a floor of our house to track your movement throughout even a morning or an afternoon, the little red dotted line would follow you all around like in the Family Circus comics.


You have these two pesky top front teeth that are taking their sweet time coming in – because of it, you’ve got these rosy cheeks all the time, and you’re an absolute drool factory. You’ve got a few extra sensitive moments, but by and large, you are taking it all like a total champ.


You have started to be REALLY into a few things – books (I swear, we read Pajamatime! at least 37 times yesterday), musical instruments (the ukulele had to go into hiding… again), and cups. Drinking from open cups. You get SO excited and often boycott eating anything till we have a little cup ready for you. I guess it’s good – you’re starting off as an ace water-drinker. Hydration all the way!



Despite your crazy amounts of energy (I know, I know… it’s just the beginning of that), you do still like to have some snuggle time, and I try to soak up as much of that as I can every time you give me a chance to. You’re still my sweet little boy and always will be.

Love always and always,
