Letters to our children | May 2018

It’s another installment of what will hopefully be many monthly letters written to our children. It’s a part of a memory-keeping attempt to capture these glimpses into the everyday and the not so ordinary moments that pass by so quickly as children grow. This is an ongoing series.

My dear, large-feeling guy –

I think probably one of the biggest things this month was a trip we took to Chicago for your Uncle David’s master’s recital. We flew on an airplane and rode all of the trains and you, my little one, were on cloud nine the whole time. We stayed at an Airbnb a ways out, but that meant that we got to spend a fair bit of time on the train to get around. Your dad and I knew that this would likely be an okay part of the trip, but I don’t think we were aware that it would probably be the highlight of the trip – ha! I also have to mention that you sat through all of David’s hour plus long recital completely rapt, watching and listening to the entire thing. We were all so impressed – especially David!

You also gave yourself away in a couple of regards. Turns out that you can, in fact, have more than one day in a row without completely blowing up at me, without us getting snippy with one another, without tantrums. Now, I realize that you were “on” for so much of that trip, and it wouldn’t be anywhere close to fair for me to hold you to that on a more regular basis. But, I know it’s possible. I know you’ve got it in you, and I will hold out hopes for a few more days like that from time to time.

We’re back to butting heads a fair bit. Maybe my expectations are too high. Maybe I just need to schedule a bit of a break for myself. Maybe summer’s approach is just getting us all in a tizz. Regardless of what it is, we’ve got some work to do with this whole listening/patience matter between the two of us. We’ll get there, it’s just a frustrating road in the meantime.

My dear boy. I love you so very much. I’m so proud of the person you are becoming. You show an incredible amount of caring and love to those around you, and you already have more empathy than I think I’ve ever seen in a kid. Watching you grow and being your mama has been nothing like I’d ever expected, and also one of the greatest joys of my life.

So, so much,

Oh, my fiesty one!

The big big news is that you popped five teeth through in about one day. Not even kidding. I didn’t know that was even possible, but a cold, pink eye, some wacky sleep, and a day full of pained screaming with me desperately trying to make it better and BOOM. There they were. When I got in there to check it all out, you gave me this proud little grin – ha! Oh, my girl.

You started walking a couple of months ago, and holy cow. You, my darling, are a force to be reckoned with. Not only do you move around (and boy do you move around), but you have started to develop this spunky personality. We certainly hear about it when things aren’t going your way! You nod and shake your head to everything, and it’s mostly accurate – occasionally a little changeable, but mostly on. You love your brother and want to do everything he does and touch everything he holds most dear, much to his chagrin. You love Etta and seek her out often. You’re also pretty enamored more generally of pups. It’s pretty dang cute.

We’re planning some trips this summer that I think will hopefully be amazing for you and all of us. Adventures abound, and I can’t wait to show you a bit more of this great, big, wonderful world. I know you’re chomping at the bit to get at it all!

So, so much,

P.S. Gus wants me to add that, “No matter what, I really love June in her yellow dress. From, mom.”

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Alison Bents is a Minnesota photographer specializing in Family and Senior portraits and Wedding Photography. She lives in Rosemount with her husband, two children and dog who have all put up with her lens pointing their way for a long, long time. Alison is now booking 2018 and 2019 weddings and portrait sessions on an ongoing basis. Serving Minneapolis, St. Paul and the greater metro area, she is also available for travel nationwide.